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15 June 2010
Does anyone go through this? Where you are on the brink of making the move of a lifetime and your psyche begins to play mind games with you? You are excited and then you start to conjure up everything that could go wrong on your journey? What if what if what if? Needless to say for the first time in my life I am having doubts. Freaking out to say the least. Will I be accepted into the school? Will I be able to find work and make ends meet? Or will I fall to the way side and have to come back home with my tail between my legs?

I am FREAKING!! What if I don't get accepted into school? Then I will have to tell everyone--for which I didn't tell--that I won't be going after all.

But you know, I don't care. Because I just say I will find another way. I will go somewhere else.. What if I am accepted? What if I am a huge success. What if I find happiness? I keep telling myself this every time my mind attacks my optimism and excitement.
4 comments on "Anxiety"
  1. Ditto what This Time Now said. I am bit further in the process than you and I am still getting squigglies in my brain. Trust and prepare and you will get where you want to, even if it means whipping out Plan B.

  2. This feeling is perfectly normal.

    I almost had a mini-meltdown on the plane ride to Rome.

    I think the enormity of my move finally hit me.

    Like the other two comments said, keep your eyes and ears open and go with the flow. You'll be fine.

  3. @Fefe-- I know girl.. Trust! Ya, that is a word I have a hard time grasping.. LOL.
    @Via-I am definitely prepping for this move even though I do not where it will take me. I am excited and anxious at the same time
    @NYC-I think it is perfectly normal. But I have never felt it this intensely before. But I know I will be fine and it is what I really want to do. So there you go.. lol

  4. Thank you for linking me and I am so happy to find your blog and look forward to catch up on what you've been doing.


Thanks chiclets for your chic comments. I look forward to hearing more from you.

Forever chic,