My friend Feather has been here for a week now and we have had a good time and it was the respite that I needed after the first grueling 3 weeks here of chaos. Never knew how much a friendly face and warm heart would serve me. While she has been here, we both were dazzled by Venezia and underwhelmed by Atlantic City's dopple-ganger Rimini and laughed til we couldn't stop because of a lost in translation moment with a new friend of mine who thought I was inviting him to my home for a threesome with my friend Feather when in fact I was asking him to tell the Taxi driver where to take us.
Leave it to say everything has been going well. School has been taken care of. I have my first appointment for my permesso on Monday and I start school the following Monday. I am excited to begin my immersion so to speak.
In a couple of months I want to begin my first project here in Italy. I will tell you guys about it once it is underway. A girl must remain mysterious you know.. Until then enjoy my photos from Venice..
Leave it to say everything has been going well. School has been taken care of. I have my first appointment for my permesso on Monday and I start school the following Monday. I am excited to begin my immersion so to speak.
In a couple of months I want to begin my first project here in Italy. I will tell you guys about it once it is underway. A girl must remain mysterious you know.. Until then enjoy my photos from Venice..