Boy are we wracking up the expenses. I finally got an estimate back for how much it will cost me to have my 6 page transcript translated from English to Italian by the I finally got an estimate back for how much it will cost me to have my 6 page transcript translated from English to Italian by the
Italy America Chamber of Commerce. Don't pass out when I give you the quote, $400. $400 bloody dollars.. I couldn't believe it but when you want to leave the country to have an international experience then you have to pay for it.
Mind you my Master's degree transcripts are longer I so don't want to see that quote.
All I am saying folks is be prepared to drop a lot of dough during the onset of your trip abroad, especially if you plan to study.
However, I am very excited and am looking forward to my trip broad. Check out the links below if you wish to study Italian in Houston. The Italian Center is an amazing source of info.
Italian Consulate Houston;
Study In ItalyExpats in Italy;
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Thanks chiclets for your chic comments. I look forward to hearing more from you.
Forever chic,