This past weekend I went to see RED 2 starring Helen Mirren, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Mary Louise Parker and Bruce Willis. It was a fantastic movie that had me laughing until I cried. What's more, the women in the movie stole the show. Mostly, Helen "Siren" Mirren stole the show.
Not only is she bodacious, the woman has broken every boundary that Hollywood has carefully constructed when it concerns women and beauty. At 67--soon to be 68, Helen Mirren has played roles time and again that would have gone to actresses 1/3 of her age. How does she do it? She just doesn't give a damn.
Helen and her curvaceous physique has not changed much since she was in her thirties and at 67, she still looks amazing in a bikini...
Not only is she bodacious, the woman has broken every boundary that Hollywood has carefully constructed when it concerns women and beauty. At 67--soon to be 68, Helen Mirren has played roles time and again that would have gone to actresses 1/3 of her age. How does she do it? She just doesn't give a damn.
Helen and her curvaceous physique has not changed much since she was in her thirties and at 67, she still looks amazing in a bikini...
and with pink hair.....
She is the ultimate Femme Fatale and I think I may just name a piece from my collection after her. Helen is the picture of age defying beauty, a woman who will not let other's standards affect how she sees or carries herself. So my inspiration today is the love Dame Helen Mirren, née, Ilyena Lydia Vasilievna Mironoff.
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